Friday, June 01, 2007

Jackson Heights Gay Pride Festival Is Magnet for Lawmakers

By EDWARD DUNNE, Special to the Sun, June 1, 2007

Politicians, who generally avoid street fairs, flock to the Jackson Heights Gay Pride Festival and Parade held in Queens each year on the first Sunday in June.

The polyglot nature of Jackson Heights makes the festival cosmopolitan, and the gay theme makes it trendy. Mayor Bloomberg, Comptroller William Thompson Jr., the City Council speaker, Christine Quinn, and Rep. Joe Crowley are among the many who plan to attend.

Planned in 1911 as a restricted community barring Jews and Catholics, Jackson Heights is now anything but restrictive. With 167 nationalities living in Queens and 116 languages spoken there, the borough is the most diverse county in America, and Jackson Heights is its most diverse neighborhood...
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