Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Latino butchers in Queens slice out a niche market in meat

By Laura Legere for The Columbia Journal, December 11, 2006

Three cartoon pigs dance on a sign in the west window of La Risaralda, a Colombian meat market on 37th Avenue in Jackson Heights. A mother pig in a frilly hat and her two children in button-down vests smile below the words “lechona tolimense,” the name of a Colombian roast suckling pig specialty, stuffed with seasoned rice and peas. Two butchers in white aprons hefted the real thing through the shop’s doorway on a recent Saturday. Its golden snout rested on the lip of the silver platter...

...But variations in pig preparation is only one example of the diversity of fare offered at Jackson Heights’ many carnicerias, or butcher shops, that cater to the needs of the area’s predominantly Latino population...

...While many neighborhood specialty stores shrivel under competition with supermarkets, carnicerias thrive in this corner of Queens. Within 11 blocks along 37th Avenue alone, there are four Latino-owned butcher shops...
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